
The other weekend we visited the zoo with our friends and their son, Syon. This was Lydia’s third trip to the zoo and her most enjoyable time there yet.

The moment we arrived she began pointing out all the interesting things to us.

Now that she’s walking she was much less willing to sit in her stroller — we probably shouldn’t have bothered to bring it — and was more satisfied to wander around the area, checking out all that was worth checking out. Sometimes she forgot we were around.

Any kind of bird (except the flamingos) were her favorite. She is still a people-watcher, though, and other kids especially caught her attention. Oh, to be able to run around so fast!

Lydia even pointed out the big, scary animals, though she was glad her Daddy was there to back her up on that.

After lunch, the kids checked out the nifty water-shooting area.

Though Syon turned out to be a brave soul . . .

. . . Lydia wasn’t feeling quite so daring.

After all that running around, pointing, and a big meal, both kids were starting to look tuckered out.

We packed up and made our way home — Lydia began what was to be a three hour nap of excellence.

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