allergies are optional

A few weeks ago we planned to attend a hockey game in town, but through an unfortunate set of circumstances we ended up in a movie theater instead. Sam jabbered away about the strongest Godzillas while we waited for the movie to start. The movie screen was subjecting us to a smorgasbord of commercials when […]

the tree(s), 2014

We have emerged from the Death Virus to finally present The Tree, plus one. The smaller tree is Lydia’s responsibility. Total lights on the tree: 2,550 Times the cat has eaten the tree and barfed: 0! Times other people in the family have barfed: 16 Times I’ve almost skinned the cat for trying to climb […]

christmas is coming . . . sloooowwwlyyyy

“Hey, it’s past Thanksgiving; where’s my tree update??” you ask. Sorry. We’re moving slowly this year. The day after Thanksgiving, a Death Virus descended upon all of us. Sam, Lydia, and I have been zombie-like these past few days. I even slept through the Iron Bowl! This was probably for the best, considering how it […]


‘Tis a rare thing to find a Carrie in a house without cats. I was born into a house with a cat, and that same cat was with me all the way to my senior year in high school. There were five catless years after that while I plowed through college. Soon after graduation I […]

in limbo

A few days ago I was feeling ambitious as I loaded both kids and an irritated Hermione into the car. Somehow I was going to keep the kids calm and quiet in an exciting new place as Hermione had a vet check up. Many discussions about proper behavior were had and promises of ice cream […]

and like that

This past week has been very tough. Very tough, indeed. Along with the usual detritus of life: sick members of the family, doctor’s appointments, THINGS to FIND for SCHOOL; the Williams household shrank by one when Renton passed away on April 2nd. By Easter weekend, Steven and I knew Renton was not going to get […]

sleepy kitty, happy kitty, purr purr purr

Over the past month, everybody has been sick in this house except for me (*knock on wood*). Perhaps I paid my dues plus interest last January. While the virus ran through the family, attacking Lydia, then Sam, and finally Steven — Renton sniffed. Or wheezed, rather, but kinda through his nose. Cats are built funny. […]