christmas eve update

How many ornaments the kids have broken: 0 How many ornaments Mom has broken: 3, i think How many cookies Mom has made: 497 (I made a spreadsheet this year) How many Godzilla ornaments are on Sam’s tree: 5 Christmas light Interventions threatened: 5 Air conditioning: ON

eleven year old taco

Eleven years old, but this taco is still just as crispy as ever! Some days we all end up getting crispy on the soccer fields! So . . . eleven. After the past few years of huge changes, I feel like this year has slowed down some. No big transformations in appearance or personality. No […]

sputnik; 108 months in orbit

A few weeks ago, our very own Samwise turned 9 years old. Nine!!! Okay, so have y’all watched The Good Place? It’s a great show; watch it if you haven’t. Anyway, there’s a character on that show named Jason Mendoza. At first blush, Jason seems like the ultimate space cadet. He is not paying attention, […]

the tree, 2018

Last year was the end of the road for our Tree. He was with us for 14 beautiful years. I am notoriously picky about Christmas trees, so this year we ended up borrowing my dad’s tree. Same height, same width . . . but more branches. I knew this would be an interesting lighting setup […]

a ten year old bullet

Ten years ago today we were dealing with a constipated cat. Renton eventually gave birth to one of his children at the vet. Later that night my sister gave birth as well. Happy Tenth, Elizabeth! (I stole this pic from Cathy’s Facebook, since I am stranded on vacation without my computer)