fly you fools

So I forgot to do my little dinky birthday post cat meme thing last week. First time I’ve missed it in years. Whoops! Well, I was a bit busy that day. Starting when Lydia turned five, Steven and I began a tradition: we would take the birthday kid out all day on their actual birthday, […]

summer doldrums, diagnosis, and upcoming busy things

Once again this blog has suffered due to the summer doldrums. I am not a fan of summer, and it seems to sap all that is creative out of me. Thankfully, October begins tomorrow, and this Saturday we’ll have a high of only 68! Super excited! Summer has been busy, and we will continue to […]

Londinium: Day 5 “Museum Day”

Saturday, 9/7/13 Skipped a day again, haven’t I? I’m not doing really good at this. Yesterday wasn’t the most fantabulous day, anyway. We started off early, and it was rainy. British rain is surprisingly dreary even though it doesn’t rain much at once. It was coming down just enough that necessitated an umbrella. Messy affair. […]