sleep stories

Sam is beginning to realize he has dreams at night, so he’s usually looking forward to tell me about them in the morning. He hasn’t picked up on the word ‘dream,’ though; he calls them Sleep Stories. Man, he can be so damnably cute! A few mornings ago he walks into the kitchen after waking […]

words of comfort

Earlier this month my very old and trusty Panasonic pencil sharpener honed its last pencil. I had to order a new sharpener, which came in the other day. This Monday is the first day we’ve put it through its paces. Sadly, this sharpener isn’t up to snuff compared to my old Panasonic. “Man, this sharpener […]

kitchen complaints, episode four

Earlier this evening we sit down together as a family of four to eat dinner. I become aware of loud smacking and chomping noises to my right — Sam is wolfing down his dinner again. “Sam, slow down and enjoy your food,” I admonish. Sam, taking me literally, looks me dead in the eye then […]

christmas, a reminiscence

Earlier this week we were at my sister’s house to celebrate a combination Christmas/Jonathan’s first birthday. Christmas just got that much more interesting. My sister and I reminisced on how excited we would get before Christmas — Christmas Eve was always the longest day of the year, we never could sleep so the night went […]

i’m telling

Sam wondered into my room, looking concerned. “Mommy, Lydia play slide,” he tells me. “What do you mean by ‘play slide?’ ” I ask. “Like this,” he answers, and he makes a motion with his hands like its sliding. “I’ll go check.” “I came to tell you. I not doing it,” Sam clarifies as we […]