my bladder is not my own

The constant peeing thing that many pregnant women talk about is beginning to come on. I’ll be sitting or laying down, perfectly fine with the world, but when I get up and Lydia shifts DOWN, it is instant alarm bells. I’ve already freaked The Husband out once running to the bathroom crab-legged. I’m not making […]

the Knowing Day

Ahh, today is the day we find out and I am ever so excited. Pink or blue; boy or girl; and all that jazz. It is a slow day today — our appointment isn’t until the afternoon. Poo. My apple bites are keeping me company. I’m in a fruit-eating kinda mood. I guess I should […]

Crazy R Us

We’re getting closer to the big day — we find out whether it’s a HeTaco or SheTaco on Tuesday afternoon. Excitement! A few weekends ago, it might’ve been last weekend, I went with my mom to Babies R Us and was totally freaked out by all the STUFF there was. STUFF was crammed into every […]

waking up now

I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat again — still going strong. Crazy that I’m 16 weeks along already. I also got to schedule the next appointment which will include The Sonogram where we get to find out the gender. Only four weeks away! Then we’ll know if we’ve […]


My doctor’s appointment on Tuesday went well. It wasn’t a huge one; the doctor just listened to the heartbeat — a fast 130something per minute — and talked about how the pregnancy was going so far. I had another appointment yesterday at the university medical center downtown to have a first trimester screening ultrasound. It […]

still here

Yeah, I hadn’t really dropped off the face of the earth or anything. These past few weeks have just been so tiring. It’s amazing how quickly I get tired lately, but I think that is starting to wear off. There were some days where I would come home from work and absolutely fall asleep on […]

the time is nigh

Ooh, Thanksgiving Day! A time to celebrate family and the expansion thereof! I woke up early this morning — I tried to go back to sleep, but alas, I felt like a schoolchild on Christmas morning. So up I got and had some Cocoa Puffs to start the day. People will start arriving in about […]