play dough fun factory

These gems of Lydia’s were told to me by her daycare teacher. I laughed so hard I snorted when I heard them. Lydia, after pooping on the potty at school: “That was amazing!” She had another poop later that day. That time she squealed, “Oooooh, poopsnakes!”

fickle fashionista

After a round of clothes shopping, I show off my spoils to Lydia. She oohs and aahs over the t-shirts emblazoned with Wonder Woman and The Avengers. Then I pull out the pièce de résistance, a summery pink and white dress for the upcoming birthday pictures. Lydia let out a squeal that oozed of rainbows […]

in a rush to brush

This morning Lydia and I took an excursion north towards Birmingham for her dentist appointment. We only had to go up three exits, so I took my chances with the interstate. Alas, I-65 began to back up about a mile before we needed to get off. Lydia was amazed by all the cars. “Wow, look […]

speed demon

“Mama, are you going fast?” Lydia asked me from the backseat this morning. “Yes, I can go pretty fast on this road.” The speed limit is 50 miles an hour. “Oh. Don’t go fast, Mama. I don’t want the policeman to get you.”


Last night after we got Lydia into bed for the night, there was the inevitable *click* of the door opening back up not two minutes after the kisses and bear hugs routine. I went to investigate. “I need fresh water,” Lydia said, holding out her sippy cup. The sippy cup of water is a bad […]

the nose knows

Lydia: “I smell a choo-choo train.” Me: “Oh do you? What does a choo-choo train smell like?” Lydia: “Boys.” Me: “Oh. Well, what do boys smell like?” Lydia, grinning: “Tee-Tee!”

the break-up

This evening was a rare occasion where all four of us were gathered around the dinner table. This is a hard thing to coordinate with the under-five set. Steven and I munched on some tacos as I asked Lydia about her day: did you play outside? Did you color? Did you play with toys? And […]