Balls of Steele

There is a little town in Alabama by the name of Steele, which I had the unexpected pleasure of visiting a few weeks ago. I veered into it when my little Ford Contour (yeah, I know) decided it’s true call in life was horse impersonation and began bucking back and forth. Here’s an interesting fact […]

kitty reports, with cheese

Renton and Hermione are slowly getting used to each other. For two nights in a row now, I have been on the couch with one cat, then the other cat comes and gets on my side and falls asleep, only to slide down right beside the other kitty without knowing it. At one point they […]

mmmm, cakey

The clothes are in the washer, Renton has been bathed and is now sulking in a corner . . . it must be Thursday! Thursdays have become chore days around here recently since two out of three Fridays I’m bookin’ it to Auburn or Alabaster for the weekend. I’d rather get stuff done now so […]


Lookie, lookie, I just made my first video edit extravaganza. Hope you like burping. (give it a second to load, it’s about 12 MB . . . I’m working on that. That’s a whole lot better than the 154 MB that it was earlier, so ha.) [EDIT: for those of you that saw the first […]