you know what happens when you can’t stop laughing??

Thing that made me do my laugh-so-hard-could-not-breathe-for-five-minutes routine: With Mom and my fiance (visitin the homeland) in a car in Winn-Dixie parking lot, and Mom sees a guy walking by, and goes, “Man, he’s hot.” Steven and I are speechless until we realize she meant heat-hot, cause the back of his shirt was wet (eww) So I go into peals of laughter. You probably would have had to been there, and you probably also would have to have been wired crazy like me.

The thing before that that made me do my laugh_so-hard-could-not-breathe-for-five-minutes routine? It was from a movie, and I quote: “He’s nuttier than squirrel turds” That laugh really hurt.

Time to go to bed. Have to get up at four-something in the morning, butt-crack of dawn, even.