Well, me and everybody I know here in town is hoarse this morning. Saturday was a great day for team-spirited screaming. 10 and 0, baby, 10 and 0.
It is officially Not Summer anymore — Steven had to start up the heater this morning. It’s going to be in the high 30s tonight! I hope we don’t have to turn on the air conditioner again until next year. Maybe it’ll snow this winter . . .
Yesterday morning I opened up my eyes to find Renton staring intently down at my face — he had slept on my pillow all night. This morning I woke up to his blue eyes again. Over the past few months he had gotten into the habit of sleeping in the bathroom, but I think that has now become too cold for him. He presently desires the body heat radiating from my head.
Hopefully he has lost the taste for my hair. If I wake up some morning sporting a new cropped, shaggy haircut there will be a luxurious Siamese pelt on my wall.