
Okay, no more wanking about Auburn football, I promise; I just get so MAD thinking about it! . . . Sorry. I shall try to move on.


Alabama weather: it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it gets your hopes up only to have them dashed across the snow-free pavement. And still I come back for more, mainly because I live here and have gullible hopes.

It is now December, but that means nothing here in terms of ‘cold.’ We have had our air conditioner on all week. It will be in the 70s again today with a deluge of rain and a few sprinkles of tornadoes coming this afternoon.

And yet . . .

There is a buzzing murmur coming from the weather world. It isn’t a forecast yet, just ‘concepts,’ as James Spann likes to say. There are concepts of much colder weather settling in by mid-next week and some moisture coming in right after that. Cold air and moisture that might equate to a winter weather event around the 17th through the 20th for Alabama. I’m trying not to get excited, but it’s SNOW! On our anniversary, even! But I must not freak out. ‘Tis but a concept.

The same concept comes up again for Christmas Eve. I drool icicles at the thought.

I must go and shower myself before the tornadoes come. I don’t want to be blown away with the debris of my apartment building and have some rescue worker find me without any skivvies and nasty hair.