random randomness

Ahhh, I finally got rid of those evil frames on the work website. Now I can breathe easier; they were haunting me all weekend. So let’s see, today I totally redid the work website and designed, inked out, and copied a design, too. Very productive day for a Monday.

All right, now I just gotta figure out how to better organize my work web stuff so I won’t have to go through that whole overhaul thing. Maybe use some CSS sheets or something. ‘Course, making it a bunch of CSS sheets requires, you guessed it, overhauling the entire site. Maybe when Ive got some down time.

Less than a week till foo’ball!!! Woohoo!

Less than 24 hours and Renton will be nutsless. Woohoo again, cause I dont know if the otter can take much more abuse.