
Hahaha, I’m back to using a template that someobody else wrote. Changed back in less than 24 hours, too. Why, do you ask? I figured out that, though my profession is in the field of design, I gotta know a hell of a lot more HTML stuff before I can make a template that I’ll be satisfied with. I wanna customize, and have neat, odd add-ons, and I am not knoledgeable enough right now to do that solo. So here’s to open-source! {eats some crow}

Now, on to the life at hand. I got Renton back this morning! I was so glad to see him, but he was even more glad to see me. He wouldn’t let the nurses get him out of the cage, so they got me to come get him. Once he heard my voice he perked up gave an excited meow. I felt so loved! The nurses said he had been pretty good, and he stayed close to his Otter at all times. They were amused. Maybe the Otter has forgiven Renton for all the sexual abuse. Maybe Renton forgave the Otter for just looking so damn sexy all the time.

Close to Game Day! I’m going to try to find Renton a kitty Auburn t-shirt while I’m there. Too bad he can’t come to the game with me. He’d be confiscated for being a potentially Terrorist object.

And now if you’ll excuse me. I need to learn an assload of HTML and related goodies, so I don’t gotta use nobody’s nothings.