Damn near Game Day!!!
In 30 minutes, I’m gettin ready to head down to Auburn, Renton in tow. Football, football, football! Woohoo, it’s been a long time since January 1st. Football, football, football! FOO’BALL!!! I am not excited. . . (foo’ball!)
What’s better than football? Why a three-day Football weekend, of course! Any extra day in Auburn is a happy day for me, unless there be Gator fans. Which there won’t be this year; we’re not playing them! Thank God for small favors.
I’ve been playing volley-phone with assorted plant nursery companies in the area. I hate talking on the phone to people I don’t know (though some of these people should be beginning to know me quite well by now). I know I sound stupid on the phone, but at least these people have Southern accents, too, so it’s not too bad. But talk to some yankee, though, and boy do they think you’re stupid.
Oh yeah, funny thing of the day (so far)! I had a duck-fart this morning! Gettin’ out of the shower, towelin’ off, go to blow my nose, butt’s not dry yet but that don’t matter, begin to blow nose, concentrate muscle use in diaphram area, muscles relax in other areas. . .QUACK!!! For a second, in my half-asleep state, I truly thought there was a duck in my midsts, before I realized it was just my own, still-wet ass. Man, I laughed so hard. . .