an open letter

Dear ACES IT people,

I am sorry I was unaware of the backup program that was available to me. Nobody told me about it and I was not concerned with backing up my system anyway. Stuff like that doesn’t happen to me. “I know computers.”

I am sorry that I felt confident about moving hundreds of pictures for a big project over to the website server ‘just in case’ you couldn’t fix my BSoD-flashing hard drive. I thought I had my butt covered. “I know computers.”

I am sorry I gave you the impression that I knew enough about computers to deal with the failing hard drive. I felt confident I could handle it and I knew you had more important matters to deal with, like getting spyware off other computers and showing people how to save a file. I said it was fine. “I know computers.”

After Thursday’s Computer Defeat, I dejectedly walk into my office this morning to find a CD on my desk with my name on it, literally. I pop it into my computer — because that’s what we all do when we find a strange CD on our desk — and a window materializes on my screen, a window that says those fine words: My Documents. All of My Documents from the old, failing hard drive. The Documents you told me were lost forevermore. You had managed to retrieve them and left them on my desk as a present. A gift from the gods.

Yes, for you are gods high above us mere mortals. You saved my holy data from being eaten by my many-headed Hydra of a hard drive, despite my ignorant mistakes and assumptions. I thought I knew computers and was better than the average desk worker but I was wrong, and now I am humbled.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

By the by, I have that backup program on my computer now.


Your Typical Computer Illiterate Office Worker