If you have a glance over at the right side of this page, you’ll notice a new little photo thingy; and if you don’t see it, try hitting the ‘Reload’ button. There, you see it? Good.
Buzznet — where I was previously uploading photos — has been horrificaly slow lately so I told it to buzz off (heh) and have signed up with a new service called Flickr. Hence, the new photo thingy on the right.
It should work roughly the same as Buzznet’s thingy did but with more flair. I am also amused by Flickr because I can use it as a photo-back-up service. Even as we speak I am slowly uploading my entire high-resolution catalog of images up to the site. This will come in handy in case my computer or my house blows up (fire), blows away (tornado) or drowns (flood).
Don’t worry though; you won’t have to wade throughout my entire archive of mediocre photos just to find the few good ones. I’m only displaying the good ones publicly and the mediocre ones, well, I just won’t let you see them. I am very excited about the whole archiving/backup feature with this.
It might take a few days or even a week for me to get it organized how I like so bear with me. I have a lot of photos.