tuesday musings

Spring is coming fast here and it’s gonna be April before you know it. I have two weeks left in Auburn before I head on up to Birmingham to begin life anew, yet again. Unfortunately, we’ll still have our house in Auburn to sell — the floor won’t be fixed until next week. So we wait.

I don’t think Renton likes being away from me so long. I’m the only one he’ll really cuddle up on, so he’s had to wait in two-week intervals before he gets to climb on my shoulder all weekend. Mom says he has Ottertime about three times a day, a frequency he never really attained before. I think it’s his way of taking out the stress since I’m not around. Poor Otter.

On the other hand, I don’t even think Hermione notices I’m missing. She’ll take her loving from anybody, especially Mom. They’ve also been very amused by the stairs in my parents’ house. They like to see how loudly they can tromp up and down them.

Since the cats aren’t down here with me, I don’t really have any good stories to tell. I’ve been spending my time reading or participating in armchair meteorology. The storms that went across Missouri and Illinois earlier this week were quite interesting.

Hmm, I wonder if any decent movies are showing at the movie theatre this week. Maybe I’ll go watch one this evening. Tuesdays are boring, otherwise.