potential house house

I know I haven’t updated in a while, but it’s been an extremely busy week, what with work and house stuff and kitties. I think I’ll be busy until we settle into a house up here.

I never got around to mentioning it when it happened, but we lost our contract on the house in Chelsea that we liked about a week before we got a contract on our Auburn house. I was very sad for a day or so, then we began looking again. Earlier this week we got a contract on a house in Chelsea that we like even better, and what’s really amusing is it is in the same neighborhood as the first house we liked — in fact, you can see the other house from the backyard.

Once again, barring anything catastrophic I think this will be our house for some time to come. Have a clicky and check out the pictures.

We will close the day after we close on the Auburn house. All of this will be going on less than a week from my birthday, so I dub thee The Birthday House-Moving Extravaganza!

Coming to a city near you in less than three weeks.