I forgot to include this with my weekend sum-up. Oops. I randomly remembered it while coloring a wax myrtle a lovely dark green this afternoon.
We’re watching the game last Saturday, Auburn vs. Vanderbilt, eatin’ pizza (with newspaper under us, so Mom doesn’t throw us into the wall), and they go to a commercial break. And on comes this commercial for Auburn as a university, a we’re-part-of-the-future inspiration sort of thing. And as it’s going, here is how the conversation went (more or less):
Me: Hey, that’s the inside of Comer Hall!
Steven: Band people!
Me: Ahhh! That’s Dr. Hitchcock, my old English professor!
Both Me and Steven: Hey that’s Asian Brad!!!
Steven: I know that girl, she’s in one of my computer classes!
Mom: So that’s what Asian Brad looks like.
It was weird; every scene we knew somebody or something like that. I was greatly amused. Even more amused to see Asian Brad look all nice-kid and say something serious. Wonder if they paid him anything. Wonder if he was drunk.
At least we know they used real Auburn people, and not actors portraying Auburn people. You gotta have the real thing, man. And this commercial did. Yay, and kudos.