I figured I’d be creative with my dessert tonight. But you know, I don’t think apricots and cream work as good as peaches and cream. It’s like apricots. . . with these cold bits of stuff on ’em. Well. . .I’ll eat it anyway. What the heck. At least I didn’t put chocolate syrup on it too.
Lately Renton has been chewing on everything. Everything. There are teeth marks in my lamp shade. I’m thinkin, if I wanted an animal that chews on stuff and poops in the tub, I’d’ve gotten a nasty ol’ dog. Yesterday, when he started going after my great grandmother’s quilt (I daresay I made mention of it in the last post), I thought enough’s enough; time to investigate! So after putting the quilt into the closet with all the other potential chew toys, I look up the prob on the internet. On all the sources I found (and I found quite a few), they started out with statements like, “. . .it’s a phase. . .they grow out of it. . . no worries”. Good, keep reading. . . then at the end of these oh so helpful paragraphs were phrases like, “. . . except for the Siamese breed. . . unless it’s a Siamese. . . .Siamese have a tendency to. . .” Yeah. Siamese cats are known to have this penchant for chewing fabric stuff for their entire life. Oh. Bloody. Boogers. I’ll be hiding sweaters and pillows for twenty years.