
I do enjoy my favorite cereal now and then; it’s tasty, sugary, and makes me forget I’m slowly turning into an adult. That is, until Renton spills it all over the floor. Then I miraculously change swiftly back into an adult, scolding Renton while throwing him out, and then bending over to clean up the now wasted rainbow of flakes. Never eat dry cereal with a spoon while having a cat in your lap, who is infamous for curiosity. It was really stupid of me, actually. Did I really think that I would be able to repeatedly hoist a spoonful of dry bits of cooked corn and sugar to my mouth with Renton not letting his curiosity getting the best of him? I guess it’s been a long day. It only took a few spoonfuls before he put his paw on the spoon handle, pulled back, and FLIP! The cereal was catapulted all around us, like so much colorful confetti. Sticky confetti. That crunches under your feet. From now on, I think I’ll kick Renton out while I’m eating my Fruity Pebbles.