home with the taco

Lydia’s been with us for almost three weeks now. Being home with her has been wonderful. In fact, so far it has been a bit easier than I expected. I’m not sure if that’s because I had lower expectations or if Lydia is just an agreeable baby.

We came home late Wednesday night after she was born. The cats were ever so glad to see me, but they were stressed because I’d been gone so long and we brought home this screaming pink thing. The first time Lydia cried the cats scattered to the opposite ends of the house. Once Renton tried to reach through the cradle to touch her and The Husband gave him such a hard smack Renton saw stars. He hasn’t tried that again.

The first night at home with her wasn’t too bad. She was a very sleepy baby for the first week or so of her life, so we had more of a time trying to wake her up so she could eat. She slept for good three to four hour stretches the first night and I actually woke up rather rested.

The cats were much more calm the next day and we gave her her first sponge bath. At times she was not amused with the process.

Lydia had her first pediatrician’s appointment that Friday and the doctors were slightly concerned that she hadn’t started to gain weight yet. She was down to 6 pounds 3 ounces. They also wanted to make sure the little booty dimple she has wasn’t connected to her spine, so we had to take her to Children’s Hospital for a booty ultrasound the next Monday, then bring her back to the pedi’s to re-weigh her.

Thankfully, her booty dimple is just that — she did really well with the whole ultrasound experience. Her weight was back up to 6 pounds 10 ounces as well, so the doctors and us were very pleased.

During her second week Lydia became a little more alert each day. She began to focus more intently on our faces and was making tons of different facial expressions. Many of her expressions look just like her Daddy.

This week The Husband had to go back to work, so it’s been me, her, and the two cats. At her two week appointment she weighed in at a hefty 7 pounds 5 ounces and even gained an inch in height!

The cats seem very used to her now. The main thing they really want is attention and loving which I try to give to them as often as I can. Whoever is holding Lydia tends to get a Hermione in their lap as well. Renton is happiest on his chair cushions.

The other day Lydia got her first piece of mail! It was from the government, of course — every once in a while they can be quick with stuff. Inside was Lydia’s bonifide Social Security Card, so she’s officially here in the eyes of the U.S.A. I have a new number to memorize.

I do not miss being pregnant at all. I’m so glad she’s finally here — she’s much more fun outside than she was inside. She never stops being cute. Hermione has finally met her match.

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