two month old taco

Last weekend, Lydia turned two whole months old. Crazy how fast it’s going. She became more awake this month, though since nothing really interests her yet, being awake was very boring to her and she would get all mad. It wasn’t until recently that she started reacting to to stuff like The Husband and I making the goofiest faces we could come up with.

At about six weeks there were some horrible nights where Lydia would scream and holler. We didn’t know if we needed to tire her out more or try to work out more burps or if she was just a mad mad baby. She would get to sleep but then flail herself awake with her wiggly arms and legs. Even the swaddle couldn’t hold her back.

After we implemented some tips from family and friends, there was a huge change for the better. We ditched the swaddling for footie jammies, got her to nap as soon as she showed signs of fussiness, and we figured out she prefers to sleep on her side. Now she’s more comfy, and we’re more well-rested.

This past month I’ve really started to feel like a mom. The first few weeks Lydia was here I felt more like a long-term babysitter for someone else’s kid. Now that she’s reacting back to us and really starting to show off her personality the realness of having a daughter is pouring over me. We’re a family. How awesome is that?

The family keeps growing, too. On Lydia’s two month birthday we threw a baby shower for my sister, who is due with her first in a few short weeks. We all can’t wait to meet Lydia’s little taco cousin.