Lydia turned three months old wayyyy back on September 23rd. A few days later things got real busy around here with the arrival of her cousin and other accouterments of life, so I’m a wee bit late with this post. Bad Mama. The internet will never forgive you.
A few days into her third month Lydia slept through the night for the first time! There was much celebration to be had. There really was no turning back from that. Sometimes there was some 2 a.m. fussing for a pacifier but once that night feeding was gone, man, it was GONE. Through-the-night sleeping makes for very happy Daddies.
We also got A New Thing — a vibrating papasan chair. At first I was against anything vibrating because I was afraid she would get too used to being soothed by it. However, we gave in once we realized the swing did not amuse for long periods of time and she did love the one at daycare. I’m all about the vibrating papasan chair now — it lets me get ready for work.
Also soon into her third month — many new things seem to happen right after a month milestone is reached — Lydia discovered her hands fit wonderfully into her mouth and BOY do they taste good! She never goes for any individual fingers — it’s always the entire fist. As a side effect, her hands are now constantly wet and clammy, which makes for an excellent cat hair magnet. I’m always having to watch for the cat hairs.
The world is beginning to amuse her. We get big smiles every morning, especially after she’s just eaten or if she’s just had a really big poo. We’re starting to get a feel of her personality: she’s a morning person, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but is quite crabby by the evening. She likes all the attention she can get and likes to entertain. She reminds me of my sister. She knows when she’s got an audience and is starting to know what to do when I get my camera out: pose.
We made a daycare switch this month so now I am the one picking her up and dropping her off each day. She is on the road and away from home less and handled the change with no problem at all. She hangs out in her papasan chair each morning while I gussy myself up. I put on my suntan lotion while explaining to her why I have to do it each day: “Mommy is a vampire but she wants to go outside like normal people.” Lydia grins at me and kicks at her bunny. Poor girl — she’s half-vampire herself. She just doesn’t know it yet.
“Mommy is a vampire but she wants to go outside like normal people.” Lydia grins at me and kicks at her bunny. Poor girl — she’s half-vampire herself. She just doesn’t know it yet.
Ewww…ginger kids and their daywalker spawn…