Yesterday Lydia turned five months old. Happily, a Sunday, my optimistic self thought I would be able to post this on the day itself but, alas, Lydia decided it would be a Screaming Day. So here we are.
Lydia’s grabbiness continued this past month, so the Excersaucer was set up for her. There is a lot of crazy stuff on that thing to play with! It keeps her quite entertained if she’s in a good mood, but once she’s ready to get out she will let you know. Her little legs barely touch the bottom right now. Soon she’ll figure out the thing can bounce, too. Ohh, the discoveries that are yet to be had!
Halloween came about this past month, with more holidays soon to follow. No other holidays let you dress up as whatever you fancy, though. This year Lydia was a Ladybug. Her Nana was much pleased, as I had been hinting that Lydia would make an awesome Baby Vampire. Bluh!
More experimentation was performed this month in the form of rice cereal. Lydia doesn’t yet seem to be too keen on the taste and I am certainly not too keen on the mess. So when does she start making her own sandwiches?
For quite some time, Lydia would never nap in her crib, though she slept awesomely there at night. For naps, she would only conk out on the couch. That made me nervous because of the cats — one clumsy one, one snuggly one — and once Lydia started rolling over, we knew that had to stop. This past month, we seemed to have worked out the problem . . . somewhat.
She has to have a blanket. Specifically, a soft, white minky-type blanket her Great Aunt Susan gave her.
This is a great big NO-NO in the Rule Book of SIDS, so I am constantly checking on her with it. Speaking of which . . . be right back . . .
Giggles are here in earnest. It’s quite easy now to get her to laugh, but do so at your own risk. You will most likely send her into a fit of hiccups that will last for about 30 minutes or so. The Husband always thinks it’s worth it. She certainly doesn’t seem to mind, either.
Lydia’s biggest frustration in life right now is the dastardly event known as teething. Her gums bother her more and more each day — it’s my number one suspect for yesterday’s screaming event. Anything near her mouth is fair game for chewing, including me. Her poor hands are feeling the brunt of that, though.
Every day I check: any teeth yet, any teeth yet? I have this vision that once the first two pop through the rest won’t be as frustrating. Reality probably isn’t so shiny, but it gives me something to hold on to.
It certainly gives greater weight to that age-old song “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.” I hope Santa comes early to this household.