Sam’s getting to be an old man now: he has reached the big ten-oh. This past month was quite the busy one for him and thus he has kept Mommy and Daddy busy as well. He has even roped Lydia into the game of Pick Up The Toy I Just Threw On The Ground (And Will Do So Again). She has not yet realized she is being had. There has much in the way of toy-throwing, fast-crawling, and teeth-popping in this household.
Yes, that’s right: after months of practicing, threatening, and getting frustrated because he couldn’t figure it out, Sam began crawling on March 17th. He waited patiently until he could crawl the ‘real’ hands-and-knees way. There was no belly crawling for this guy. I do have a video of this event . . . somewhere . . . and once I locate my video recorder I will get it up here. In the meantime, just imagine a blurry Sam, a boisterous Lydia, and loud Arcade Fire blasting in the background.
The day before that, Sam’s other top front tooth busted through, so he wasn’t the happiest of campers in the first place. Sam has not enjoyed the teething experience and Orajel is a constant presence around here. One of Sam’s dilemmas is he doesn’t get much time in between teeth. The day after he turned 10 months old he sprouted a fifth tooth, so he’s bound to have six or more by his first birthday. Lydia had no more than four by her first birthday, and even now as we’re edging up to her third there are no two-year molars in sight.
As I predicted, Sam crawls fast, and he has enjoyed his newfound freedom. We have taken to setting him and Lydia in the living room with a dumped out tub of toys while we go back and forth between them and the kitchen to cook dinner. After a while Sam will get fed up with that and comes looking for me. He begins his crawl to the kitchen, wailing the entire way as if hurt. We call it the Trail of Tears. He’s happy as a clam once I scoop him up.
I remember when Lydia started crawling it was a humongous change in the household and I became the panicky mother who cleaned the floors every day for a few months. Though we certainly clean the floor, especially after we have rice (which Lydia is especially good at getting everywhere) I don’t go crazy about it. Sam’s crawling has been more of a handy change than a life-changing one. Now he can amuse himself for a little bit longer. Although he also seems to favor his father — he finds computers very shiny and interesting. Time for the server to move elsewhere.