
BellSouth still makes me mad. I just want to get my free-with-our-DSL-service website set up, that’s all I ask. It keeps tripping up at the last step for some crazy reason.

So, my fiance graciously offers me use of his webspace (also on BellSouth) that he set up months ago, back when BellSouth worked. Allright, cool beans, here we go. So I’ve got everything in order, get his FTP info, and begin to upload.

Yay, the little bar is moving, here we go.

Then, halfway though, it loses contact with BellSouth! Nooooooooo! I gesticulate wildly and give the computer the finger.

I try going to their webpage and it’s down too. BellSouth just had a huge, massive cyberfart. Or maybe, maybe, I caused the host to crash while uploading. Thats my one thought that I cherish from this whole website fiasco. I hacked BellSouth and caused it to crash. The best kind of hacking: inadvertent hacking. Evil laugh: mwahahahahha!

It’s a very pleasing thought.


Okay, I will quit messing around with this blog template stuff soon, I promise. Just a few more tweaks. I am my own template now, no more borrowing. Now the background is my cat, Renton, playing in the shadows. Cool bloody beans!


Ha, look what I did! I borrowed (plagarised) a blogger skin! Mwhahahahaha! Maybe someday I will be able to create my very own! Steven helped me figure things out too, so yay for Steven, because he understands code!

In my defense, I didn’t really plagarise, this person created it for the intent that other people might use it. See, I’m not an all-bad person, just semi-bad. And it’s not like I’m not creative, I just gotta learn me some HTML, or more of it, anyway. Just messing around with this stuff is a much better teacher than reading from a book (wow, I cant believe I just said that, me, the book-nut, claiming a book did not serve it’s intended purpose! I guess computer stuff is different. . . though I dont know where I’d be without my Macromedia Dreamweaver book. . .)

what month is it

Almost time to go home from work, in between project stuff, so to kill 10 minutes, an errant thought:

Ever get confused as to what season it is? Winter instead of summer, and that sort. It is barely 80 degrees here, and it feels like 70. In August? In Alabama?? It’s like October outside! Someone has signed a pact with the devil. Glad it was somebody else, and not me.

And maybe later on I’ll give a background of myself, a my-life-in-one-paragraph sort of thing, just so I can say I introduced myself and all. But not here, I’m working. . .

random thoughts

Funny things I have picked up along the way:

A diamond engagement ring is a wonderful thing: How else can you tell her you want to be her husband and will love her forever, whilst simultaneously funding some horrific bush war.
M Skills, UK

Fairy Tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

And BellSouth makes me mad. So there.

the proverbial

It tells me to type in the big white box in the top of the page, so that’s what I’m doing.

Don’t know how this’ll work out, but figured I’d give it a go. “Everyone else has one. . .” ‘Cept most of theirs is at, and I don’t know anyone else directly that uses it, and $5 is a lot for me right now, ha.

So yay, here it is, first post, ain’t it somethin