hurray for engagements

Okay, quick post, while it’s still the date that it is, so it all works out. My sister’s engaged, finally! Cool bloody boogers! She’s very excited. I’ve known her new fiance for about 11 years, and its weird to think that he is going to be my brother in law now. Cool beans. I need to get a counter for her wedding now, too. Yeah.

And I’ve gotta go see Mars. It’s very bright tonight, and 25 degrees above the horizon, to the southeast. Can’t see it from where I am now cause there’s a few stragecially placed trees and a McDonalds in the way. Chianti is good.

website wrangling

Finally got Bellsouth’s webpage thing to work. Only took two weeks. And, suprisingly, it wasn’t their fault; has something to do with the router I was using the last two weeks. Wasn’t BellSouth’s fault; it was mine. Insert sheepish apologetic grin here. So anyway, now I’ve got a webpage up. Two things: I’ve got the basic layout up, but no content yet, I just wanted to test it and make sure it worked; second thing, it is, for some nutty reason, a slow upload for the splash page. Not my fault, they’re low-size gifs, BellSouth’s just got their hands on a slow server. Get what you pay for. . . (or less, considering how much a month I’m paying for DSL and all that). I’m gonna work on actually getting some actual stuff on the website this next week. Right now I’m in Auburn and therefore seperated from all that is my computer.

I’m pissed at the work website. I’ve decided I dont like frames, and I’m gonna get rid of ’em (and all the advanced guru web designers reading this, if any, think “’bout time, ganstabitch! the late 90’s called; they want their website back) That’s also on the agenda for next week.

Man I’m tired. It’s 23:43 (after 11 pm, yo), past my normal bedtime; yet I’ve had two caffienated diet cokes right in a row, and Steven and Ken are wrecking cars for points. It shall not stop me, I will suceed in my quest for sleep. I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. Can you tell that it’s late, no really can you? And I just handed over my great grandmama’s ring today to get it resized and oh god I hope they dont do anything bad with it cause half the family will come and personally kill me and I cant believe I gotta wait till the ninth of September and what if. . .awetrzryh [BAM! falls asleep on keyboard]


Since most of y’all know (and for the ones that don’t know, here is a chance for enlightenment) that I’m an alumni of Auburn University (War Damn Eagle, mind you) I am looking forward to the football game versus The University of Southern California on Saturday week. I like the Southern California fans, they were real cool last year, but my football-fanatic friend Willis sent me this article/post/musing and I had to post it. Cheers, man.

Advice to USC fans coming to Auburn ……
Do not wear Gucci or Prada to the game. Wear your Cardinal and Gold paraphenalia like God intended. Make fun of our orange shirts and painted faces and we’ll kick your A$$.

Do not bring calamari and champagne to the tailgate. Down in these parts we eat barbecue ribs, pork, hamburgers, hotdogs, fried chicken and tater salad. Make fun of our tailgate food and we’ll kick your A$$.

Do not make fun of the way we talk. We do that on purpose so you can’t understand what we are saying. We understand and that is all that matters. Make fun of the way we talk and we’ll kick your A$$.

Yes we know we have beautiful girls. And their parts are REAL. Do not dare make fun of our women. Women are the backbone of Southern society. Our women can fish, pop a tent, landscape a yard(


I got to see my great great great great grandfather’s grave last weekend. Pretty neat. We had an impromptu family reunion last Saturday, so I got to go to Ozark, Alabama. I also found out that Bill Clinton is my 4th cousin, once removed. Neat stuff. I was tromping through old graveyards with my dad and his cousins. So if you were in Ozark on Saturday, you would have seen a sight: a Carrie, Jerry, Terry, and Kerry walking about, one of them in a dress and high heels. There’s a Larry, too, but he’s in Alaska.

Renton gets neutered next Tuesday; he was having too much fun with his stuffed otter last night. That poor otter; it’s been through so much. I should wash him, he has been chewed on to no end.

I feel tired. I need coffee. . .

Whoa, today is the 20th. Just four months, yo

you know what happens when you can’t stop laughing??

Thing that made me do my laugh-so-hard-could-not-breathe-for-five-minutes routine: With Mom and my fiance (visitin the homeland) in a car in Winn-Dixie parking lot, and Mom sees a guy walking by, and goes, “Man, he’s hot.” Steven and I are speechless until we realize she meant heat-hot, cause the back of his shirt was wet (eww) So I go into peals of laughter. You probably would have had to been there, and you probably also would have to have been wired crazy like me.

The thing before that that made me do my laugh_so-hard-could-not-breathe-for-five-minutes routine? It was from a movie, and I quote: “He’s nuttier than squirrel turds” That laugh really hurt.

Time to go to bed. Have to get up at four-something in the morning, butt-crack of dawn, even.

working on it

Changed my background again. No more Renton. I know, I know, I can’t help it. I’m indecisive. I’ll just quit mentioning when I change it now, since I seem to change it daily. Hey, that’s an idea: set one up that changes daily to some random picture. Yee-ha!

Speaking of Renton the Vicious, guess who was messing with the blinds again? I thought I had drilled it into him how incredibly wrong that is. (Renton=cat, cat=vicious, vicious=Satan, so therefore Renton=Satan, unless he’s being nice)