Renton 0, Callie 1

WOOHOO, IT’S GAMEDAY! I’m down in Auburn, and gettin’ ready to walk the campus. We’re gonna go by the bookstore and get some books (duh), and then we’re gonna go by the alumni tent, because I have access, and I’ve forgotten every time this year so far that I’ve got the privledge to take part […]

A Tired Last-Minute Post

It seems that people are waiting, just absolutely dying for me to post something (probably about the game), so I shall do a quick post to whet your appetite. Auburn won, woohoo, war damn eagle, 10 to 3, eat that Arkansas, we rule, just don’t vote for us in the polls. We are so GOOD […]

And On A Side Note. . .

Yay to the Auburn University Fire Department, who swiftly hosed out the fire on The Trees at Toomer’s Corner after the game. I sincerely hope that the idiots who lit the toliet paper ablaze were sore-losing Tennessee fans; surely Auburn people wouldn’t do such a thing. One would hope. Don’t believe the trees were set […]

Tiger Attack! (grrrr. . . .)

WOOHOO, WAR DAMN EAGLE!!! 28 to 21 man! That was the most nerve-wracking game; all of Auburn’s games have been boring one way or the other until last night. That was the team that was supposed to show up at the USC game; that was our Auburn. Tiger attack!!! Now, where’s Arkansas? We’re ready (Joannaaa. […]

Best Commercial Auburn’s Ever Made

I forgot to include this with my weekend sum-up. Oops. I randomly remembered it while coloring a wax myrtle a lovely dark green this afternoon. We’re watching the game last Saturday, Auburn vs. Vanderbilt, eatin’ pizza (with newspaper under us, so Mom doesn’t throw us into the wall), and they go to a commercial break. […]

A Plea for Victory

Almost Gameday! Woo-hoo! Man, I do hope we win this week. Auburn is playing Vanderbilt, at Vanderbilt. Come on, Auburn, surely you can win this week. Even my freshmen year in college, when we went 3 and 8, we beat Vandy. It’s Vandy; please please let us win, or we will be on our worst […]

End of a Weekend

Bloody hell! What is wrong with my team? My poor Auburn people! Why do we always fall so hard when we get so high, get a little bit of confidence and people begin to think hey, we may be good, then BAM! we fall so flat on our faces we’re picking chunks of grass outta […]