home, home on the plains

Amazing what all can change in a week. Last week I was worrying; this week I am packing . . . to go to Auburn, for good. Yes, that’s right — Steven decided on the job in Auburn! It was a hard decision that had to be made quite fast, but we were thankful to be in such a dilemma. There are much worse quandaries to be in than ‘Agg, which fantastic job offer do I take?!?’ We’re still in shock over such incredible luck.

Now I’m preparing to move from Fort Payne, this city that has been my home for the last year and a half. I broke the news to my office yesterday. It was taken very well — it was expected, after all. Though I am moving in less than two weeks, I’m going to still officially be working here for a few months afterwards. All that involves is just a trip up here once a week or so to finish up some lurking projects and get through the fall. It’s a good scenario for everybody: they get more time to find a replacement and I get more time to figure out if I’m going job hunting or starting graduate school. Hmm, can I do both?

I don’t think we’re disappointing too many people by moving back to Auburn. My sister is especially ecstatic. I think all the other Auburn peeps are amused, too (probably because the good blender will be back in town). We’ll be settling in just in time for football season, too. Dance, dance, dance! The first game is in less than six weeks!

Don’t expect me to be writing as often for a bit. I have a new mission in life to put all my worldly possessions into little cardboard boxes. It is an ambitious undertaking, but I am up to the challenge. This task will be even more fun with the cats circling me like sharks, waiting for me to slip up and drop some hazardous object so they can immediately play with and/or eat it, as they are wont to do.

Don’t worry though, if Renton chomps down on an ink pen or something, I’ll be sure to write about it and take many pictures.