when it rains, it pours (so the cliché goes)

“I have an interview with that company in Auburn this afternoon at three,” Steven informed me yesterday morning.

“Fantastic,” I replied. Steven had sent that company a resumé last week, but he hadn’t heard from them. It turned out they never received it. A quick phone call by Steven turned into an afternoon interview. “Maybe this will help create a huge shift in the universe toward our favor,” I continued, referring to a job in Birmingham he interviewed for but had not heard from yet. It would be a cool job.

Fast forward to lunchtime. I had gone out with a friend to lunch at the Cracker Barrell. It had been a long time since I enjoyed their tasty chicken tenderloins. We were discussing my anxiety over all this non-job business when my cell phone rang.

“Speak of the devil,” I said when I saw that it was Steven.

“Hey,” he said, “remember how we said arranging that job interview would shift the universe?”

“Yeah . . .”

“Well, it worked. I got the job in Birmingham!”

! ! ! ! !

From here I’m not sure exactly what I said except, “Oh, my God, I’m in a public place and I’m about to cry.” Steven read off all the details about the job but it went in one ear and right out the other. All I was thinking was, “Steven got a job! We’re all going to be okay! Wait a second, I’ve got to move . . .”

It’s all good, though. I feel ten million times better than I did yesterday morning. It’s a wonderful feeling, like that first gasp of air after being under the water for longer than you meant to be. The air feels so good, and I’m ready to dry off now.

Steven went on to that Auburn interview later that afternoon with the intentions of explaining his situation: he needs an answer ASAP. The interview went quite well and quite long — over two hours. Steven got the impression that they are very interested in him and are willing to speed up their process to give him an answer. They will hopefully call today.

Yesterday we had no idea where we would end up or what was going to happen. Today is an absolutely different story, armed with a Birmingham job offer and the potential for an Auburn offer in the plot. Either way, I feel we will be very happy. We will be secure and in places we know.

I have not talked to my boss yet; he is out of town so that conversation will come Monday. Like I said before, I love my job but I love my husband more. We’re ready to be in the same town again.

My biggest worry now? The kitties are going to hate moving.


UPDATE: Steven was just offered the job in Auburn, too! Now what do we do?!? -14:06