website wrangling

Finally got Bellsouth’s webpage thing to work. Only took two weeks. And, suprisingly, it wasn’t their fault; has something to do with the router I was using the last two weeks. Wasn’t BellSouth’s fault; it was mine. Insert sheepish apologetic grin here. So anyway, now I’ve got a webpage up. Two things: I’ve got the basic layout up, but no content yet, I just wanted to test it and make sure it worked; second thing, it is, for some nutty reason, a slow upload for the splash page. Not my fault, they’re low-size gifs, BellSouth’s just got their hands on a slow server. Get what you pay for. . . (or less, considering how much a month I’m paying for DSL and all that). I’m gonna work on actually getting some actual stuff on the website this next week. Right now I’m in Auburn and therefore seperated from all that is my computer.

I’m pissed at the work website. I’ve decided I dont like frames, and I’m gonna get rid of ’em (and all the advanced guru web designers reading this, if any, think “’bout time, ganstabitch! the late 90’s called; they want their website back) That’s also on the agenda for next week.

Man I’m tired. It’s 23:43 (after 11 pm, yo), past my normal bedtime; yet I’ve had two caffienated diet cokes right in a row, and Steven and Ken are wrecking cars for points. It shall not stop me, I will suceed in my quest for sleep. I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. Can you tell that it’s late, no really can you? And I just handed over my great grandmama’s ring today to get it resized and oh god I hope they dont do anything bad with it cause half the family will come and personally kill me and I cant believe I gotta wait till the ninth of September and what if. . .awetrzryh [BAM! falls asleep on keyboard]