February’s sickness brought to you by the letters b, a, r, and f

Yesterday I’m driving down 280 listening to a fellow on the radio gabble about James Madison when my cell phone rings at me. It’s the house. Steven had sent me an email earlier that day saying he wasn’t feeling too well so if the house was calling me he must be bad off. “Uh oh,” I thought.

This event is the latest in a series of rare and eventful illnesses we’ve dealt with in the last two weeks. Keep in mInd that Steven is NEVER sick. In the almost ten years we’ve been together he’s had to go to the doctor for an acute malady twice — a sinus infection and a case of epididymitis.

I’m a different story. Whenever we move — and as this blog can attest, we have done that quite a bit — the two people I have to find first is a hair stylist and a general practitioner. I always need both very soon.

So two weeks ago when Steven started talking about sinus pressure and his teeth aching I sent him straight along to my doctor, suspecting a sinus infection. Sure enough, he came back with that diagnosis and a pack of antibiotics. It’s an odd time in our house when Steven is the sick one and I feel great.

I did feel great. I was just dandy. I was too dandy to pay attention and I ate some malai kofta, which tasted fantastic. You couldn’t taste the walnuts at all.

Ahh, walnuts. Most nuts, and I’m allergic to every little one they make a skin test for, will just send me into a mild form of anaphylaxis. Walnuts, though. I HATE walnuts. I hate barfing, and walnuts make me do just that. I’m still leaning toward the cheese-and-cracker end of the menu. Just to be safe.

So yesterday when I arrive home to find Steven doubled up on the bathroom floor, it’s like my walnut episode from barely a week ago, just worse. After a day of pure misery, Steven was back at the doctor’s again today. Six plus years of no doctors’ visits whatsoever, and now he’s had to go twice in a week. No flu; just the worst stomach bug I’ve ever seen.

Steven is not the only one in my family that has paid his penance to the porcelain god: both my sister and her husband down in Auburn are going through the same thing Steven is. At least I’m well now to take care of Lydia. My sister and brother-in-law have a five-month-old between their very sick selves so my parents have gone down to help out with the young’un.

February is screwing us over this year. I’m ready for it to me March, springtime, and for Steven to be healthy as a horse and leave the sinus infections and other general illnesses to me. Sinus infections — it’s what I do.

But dear God, no more freakin’ walnuts.

3 replies on “February’s sickness brought to you by the letters b, a, r, and f”

  1. Steven is getting better and is trying his hand at work today.

    Unfortunately Lydia is running a fever and is coughing this morning. Mom has her and I’m going to schedule a doctor’s appointment. Laissez les bon temps roulez!

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