Think Auburn Makes You Constipated? Well, Have A Look At My Cat!

Well, Renton has finally done it. He’s met his match in palatable fabric. This most recent bit of cloth that he’s consumed is fighting back.

It seems that Renton, on a late Thursday night, decided to have a bit of my Auburn afghan blanket as a midnight snack. On Friday morning I found the evidence in the form of an orange and blue hairball. Lovely. On Saturday, he left us two more of these little wonders of nature. Then the puking began.

I don’t delve into the details too deeply; no need to make anyone nautious. Suffice it to say that by Sunday he was beginning to worry me. Everything was coming out the front end, but not the back. I would like to think that Renton was learning a life lesson from this, but I doubt his little destructive brain will ever connect the blanket-eating with the blanket-barfing.

So yesterday, after dodging tornadoes, I took him by the vet, with the mothcat-eaten blanket in tow. After filling in the sign-in sheet with my name, his name, and reason for visit (“he ate an afghan . . . blanket, not person”), we got to see the doctor, who was pretty impressed with the job Renton did on the blanket.

“Guess he’s not an Auburn fan,” he said.

Renton has been put on a regimen of mineral oil, 2 cc’s, once a day, to see if he can clear out the rest of my blanket. If he’s not better tomorrow, though, the doctor wants him back in for x-rays. And as of Wednesday night, nothing much seems to have changed with this cat, except for that he just stepped into some epoxy glue (no, I’m not kidding). I suppose he figured one crisis just isn’t enough pizazz around here.

Well, we’ll see how it goes. Renton just might be headed for intestinal dye and x-rays tomorrow. Either that or he’ll pinch a really big, multicolored loaf. As for me, I’m rooting for the loaf. It might be sore on his end, but it’ll be cheaper on mine.


In other news, I’m slowly getting my newly brainwashed computer back to how I like it. This process can be tough, though, when you don’t remember what it was that you like, you only know that this current situation isn’t it. I’ve yet to fix my away messages, and my old e-mails are gone forever.

I’ve gotten back a few of the links, though. It took a while, but I eventually was able to find my photographry idol’s website of Italian wonder. This is how I would ideally take pictures, but I seem to lack the talent. Or maybe it’s the experience that is lacking. Or maybe I just lack the guts to take pictures of the most ordinary things in extraordinary places, things that at the time you would not consider to be memorable, yet looking back ten years later you treasure those pictures more than any British Parliament building, Eiffel Tower, or Castel Sant Angelo photos that you ever dared to put in the crosshairs of your lens.

Then again, it could just be the talent.