Pocket Change

Today is once again Damn Near Game Day, the last one of the regular football season. So sad, so sad. Tomorrow is not only Game Day, it’s THE Game Day to beat all Game Days — the Alabama game, also known as the Iron Bowl. However, with the way both teams have been playing this year, it’s more like the Balsa Wood Bowl. But as disappointing as Auburn’s season has been, Bama’s has been much worse. Forgive me a small “Ha!” Now, we cross every crossable parts of our bodies in hopes that we break the away-game-advantage streak that’s been going on for quite a few years.


Renton the Moth Cat is doing much better. There has been no puking since Wednesday, and he is getting back to his stinky-poop ways. I’ve never been so glad to smell cat shit as I was on Wednesday night. That little lump saved me five hundred bucks in vet tests!


Today I finally cleared off the top of my dresser, which was overflowing in assorted pocket stuff. Much to the irritation of Steven, I tend to dump all the stuff I get in my pockets through the course of a day on top of the dresser. Not the best of habits, but it could be worse, like a booger collection. Most of this pocket collection was recipts, grocery lists, and pocket lint. Some of the recipts dated back to May.

I would like to say that I decided to clean for the sake of a less cluttered life, but that’s not the case. In actuality I was on the hunt for a Kinko’s recipt and a friend’s phone number. Alas, I found neither. On the upside, I did come across some major pocket change in the form of a hundred dollar check from my mom, dated July 14th of this year. Yeah. Jackpot!

I can’t remember what in the world it was for, but no matter. While preparing it for desposit, I decided to try my luck and search through my wallet for any other potential goodies. And wouldn’t ya know, I came across another check, this one for twenty dollars, also from my mom. It was more recently dated at October 30th, and I distinctly remember that this one was for a DVD. I do love finding pocket change.


T minus thirty days and counting until Operation: Wedding gets underway. That’s right folks, we’re not counting in months anymore, it’s days.