Hi, and welcome to the expectedly delayed nine month post of Sam! I doubt I’ll ever get one of these out on time. Near the 2nd, back when Sam actually reached nine months, he was under the weather and miserable; this past weekend, Steven and Lydia were under the weather in turn. My time came on Monday and Tuesday. Sam will be ten months old in two weeks.
Despite my strong prediction, Sam is not yet crawling, in the official sense of the term. He certainly isn’t immobile, however. Between rolling and wiggling he can determinedly get to whatever he sets his sights on. He can be quite quick about this as well and I have to be cautious as to where I put him because BAM! he will be twenty feet away from me before you can say stitches.
One thing that Sam did spring on me that I wasn’t expecting was the appearance of his first upper front tooth. We visited my sister and her brood down in Auburn the last week of February. Sam was downright ornery at times that weekend, but since Lydia didn’t cut her upper teeth until she was 11 months old, I did not expect teething troubles to be getting the better of him. On Sunday morning, Sam was sporting a little nubbin of a tooth in his upper gums. If he could speak, he would scream, “I AM NOT LYDIA!”
Sam visited the zoo for the first time this past month, though it was more for his sister’s benefit. Not that Sam didn’t enjoy it — he was very content to sit back and be strolled around and watch Lydia jump about. Pretty soon he’ll be shouting out all the animal names as well.
Sam has a body fitness thing going on: he’s real keen on doing push ups. I’m not talking about girlie push ups, mind you — these are real deal, the manly-push-on-your-toes-and-hands push ups. He’s really good at them, too. Hey, it’s something neither I nor Lydia can do. He seems to think it will get him toward that goal of crawling.
I’ll just let him think that for a while. I bet when he really does learn to crawl, he’ll crawl FAST, and then I really will be in trouble.