[This is a continuation of the travel diary I kept during a European vacation during the summer of 1999. I figured I’d best type it up . . . you know, in case of fire, alien invasion, etc. — Present-day Carrie]
While I’m thinking about it (& cause Steven reminded me) here’s a tenative Present List:
Mom — I dunno, something English
Dad — a Frenchman punching bag, prefferably a politician (seriously, as long as its not from France, he’s happy)
Cathy — I haven’t a clue
Grandmother — too easy
Jennifer* — she’d get a kick out of a naked statuette (can you tell I’m in a car?)
Joey — the Blarney stone or something naughty
That’s all I can think of.
We’re in a car (duh, look at my handwriting) heading toward Atlanta. To get in a plane. I don’t like planes.
Me, Paul, & Steven are in this car with Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Byram is driving the rest. I don’t like planes. I also don’t like writing in a car, so I’ll continue this when I’m less shaken.
[later, and in a different ink color]
Yes! I survived the plane!
Ohh, guess its day 2 . . .
*Jennifer was my college roommate. Joey was a good friend of both mine and Steven’s.
Not to spoil it for everyone, but you ended up getting me a necklace. I still have it and I still wear it. 🙂
I do mention it later — I’m so glad you still have it! 🙂