7/8/99 1 day before departure “Packing Day”

[In part to keep my mind off things, and also in lieu of other ideas, I present to you the travel diary I kept during a span of two weeks in the summer of 1999 when I went on a trip to Europe. I was 19 years old, a newly-minted college sophomore, and Steven and I had been dating for an entire month. He was with me on this trip. We were in that ‘new couple’ stage and drove everyone crazy with all the hand-holding and such. Nothing like a little European adventure to start off a relationship. — Present-day Carrie]

Yes, today is packing day, that day in which you discover just how much clothes you own and just how much medication you’re on.

For the most part I’m packed; I’m just hiding in my room to avoid doing chores. Shame on me,bad bad. Surprisingly, I still have ample room in my suitcase, which I suppose is better than vice versa. Yay, more room for souvenirs.

Earlier today I went to British Airway’s web site. I wish I knew that kind of plane we’ll be riding. I hope it’s not a DC-10. Their average age is older than I would prefer it to be. Most of the planes’ seating charts showed rows of 3 seats, isle, 4 seats, isle, then 3 more seats. Not many 2-seaters. Probably be w/* Paul, or KenandAngie**. Rather have 3 than 4 I suppose. Heck, I just want the plane to get from point A to point B w/o any problems. I really don’t like planes. Hmm, what was it that Calvin said? Oh yeah, w/ the way our appliances break all the time, it’s a wonder that anybody gets on an airplane. Bad handwriting today.

* I’m electing to keep all the shorthand and grammatical errors I wrote. Thankfully, there are few errors, just shorthand and horrible handwriting in general

** Ken was dating a girl by the name of Angie at this time. She was also along for the trip. Ken, don’t say what happens!!!

3 replies on “7/8/99 1 day before departure “Packing Day””

  1. I’m not gonna use spoilers, I’m just lamenting to Lisa how I was referred to as a collective with her…*sigh*

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