[In part to keep my mind off things, and also in lieu of other ideas, I present to you the travel diary I kept during a span of two weeks in the summer of 1999 when I went on a trip to Europe. I was 19 years old, a newly-minted college sophomore, and Steven and I had been dating for an entire month. He was with me on this trip. We were in that ‘new couple’ stage and drove everyone crazy with all the hand-holding and such. Nothing like a little European adventure to start off a relationship. — Present-day Carrie]
Yes, today is packing day, that day in which you discover just how much clothes you own and just how much medication you’re on.
For the most part I’m packed; I’m just hiding in my room to avoid doing chores. Shame on me,bad bad. Surprisingly, I still have ample room in my suitcase, which I suppose is better than vice versa. Yay, more room for souvenirs.
Earlier today I went to British Airway’s web site. I wish I knew that kind of plane we’ll be riding. I hope it’s not a DC-10. Their average age is older than I would prefer it to be. Most of the planes’ seating charts showed rows of 3 seats, isle, 4 seats, isle, then 3 more seats. Not many 2-seaters. Probably be w/* Paul, or KenandAngie**. Rather have 3 than 4 I suppose. Heck, I just want the plane to get from point A to point B w/o any problems. I really don’t like planes. Hmm, what was it that Calvin said? Oh yeah, w/ the way our appliances break all the time, it’s a wonder that anybody gets on an airplane. Bad handwriting today.
* I’m electing to keep all the shorthand and grammatical errors I wrote. Thankfully, there are few errors, just shorthand and horrible handwriting in general
** Ken was dating a girl by the name of Angie at this time. She was also along for the trip. Ken, don’t say what happens!!!
I’m not gonna use spoilers, I’m just lamenting to Lisa how I was referred to as a collective with her…*sigh*
Don’t worry; it doesn’t last long.