Lydia turned a whole six months old back on December 23rd. I had every intention of writing this post then but before I blinked it was Christmas Eve, then Christmas, then more Christmas, then I felt a slight breeze as the end of 2008 flew by and HOLY CRAP IT’S JANUARY! So here we are. […]
Category Archives: Taco
five month old taco
Yesterday Lydia turned five months old. Happily, a Sunday, my optimistic self thought I would be able to post this on the day itself but, alas, Lydia decided it would be a Screaming Day. So here we are. Lydia’s grabbiness continued this past month, so the Excersaucer was set up for her. There is a […]
four month old taco
Last Thursday Lydia turned four whole months old. That’s a third of a year — quite an old taco! So much has happened this past month, as well. She has been quite busy. First, she became a cousin three days into her fourth month with the arrival of her cousin, Elizabeth. We are all glad […]
three month old taco
Lydia turned three months old wayyyy back on September 23rd. A few days later things got real busy around here with the arrival of her cousin and other accouterments of life, so I’m a wee bit late with this post. Bad Mama. The internet will never forgive you. A few days into her third month […]
the orgin of the taco
So . . . why taco? Most people say bean, right? As with everything, there is a story to the taco name. Last October The Husband and I boogied down to Columbus, Georgia on a Thursday afternoon to meet my sister and her husband. We were going to see George Carlin — live! We were […]
two month old taco
Last weekend, Lydia turned two whole months old. Crazy how fast it’s going. She became more awake this month, though since nothing really interests her yet, being awake was very boring to her and she would get all mad. It wasn’t until recently that she started reacting to to stuff like The Husband and I […]
a month-old taco
I can’t believe Lydia is already over a month old. In fact, she’s five weeks old today! She has grown so much, too. Lifting her head is practically a piece of cake, and boy does she eat a lot. I would guess she’s about nine pounds by now. After three weeks of easy burps and […]
taco delivery
Now that we all know Lydia is here — she’ll be two weeks old on Monday! — I figured I would write up how she got here. Be forewarned: this is the longest post EVER. On June 10th at my OB’s appointment my doctor gave me the option of inducing at 39 weeks because of […]
June 23rd, 2008
Well, we’ve gone from this: to this:
when your clothes don’t stretch, other things do
Well, 39 weeks today. I’m about to start getting REALLY ready. It’s hot outside and I’m craving some raw, raw sushi. Also, despite what I was expecting, I have gone through this entire pregnancy without any stretch marks at all . . . until last Tuesday. I’m THIS CLOSE TO THE END and now they […]