February’s sickness brought to you by the letters b, a, r, and f

Yesterday I’m driving down 280 listening to a fellow on the radio gabble about James Madison when my cell phone rings at me. It’s the house. Steven had sent me an email earlier that day saying he wasn’t feeling too well so if the house was calling me he must be bad off. “Uh oh,” […]

hypothetically speaking, of course

Steven: “Hypothetically, if we filled up a vacuum cleaner bag, where would I find more?” Me: “Sears.” Steven: “No, I mean in the house.” Me: “Oh, the utility closet.” Steven: “Hypothetically, if there weren’t any there, then where would they be?” Me: “Then hypothetically, we would be out. Hey, what if, hypothetically, you were to […]

celebrity gossip

This morning I read a news story that reported Shia Labeouf might lose a finger due to a car accident. When I mentioned it to Steven, he chuckled and said, “I can see it now. They came in to tell him he might lose his finger and he goes, ‘No! Nononono no no no!‘ ” […]


Between Steven and me, I’m the packrat of the family. In fact, somewhere in this house is the little post-it note where I wrote Steven’s telephone number so I could call him — this was over nine years ago a few days after we started dating. I also tend to keep gift bags, rocks, old […]

taco delivery

Now that we all know Lydia is here — she’ll be two weeks old on Monday! — I figured I would write up how she got here. Be forewarned: this is the longest post EVER. On June 10th at my OB’s appointment my doctor gave me the option of inducing at 39 weeks because of […]

a story for Lisa

Steven ran into a couple of spiders outside so he grabbed the can of Raid to take care of him. A few minutes later he came back in the house with a dazed look on his face while holding the can of Raid and the flashlight. “Are you okay?” I asked. “The spider had an […]