the sunshine burnt my pants off

Incredibly Awake Shower-Refreshed Steven: “Come on, wake up; time to get up!” *commences with lighting of lamps and opening of blinds* Half-Awake Me: “Mnnnnph” Incredibly Awake Shower-Refreshed Steven: *more happy happy sunshine language* “Let’s get up” Half-Awake Me: “No.” Incredibly Awake Shower-Refreshed Steven: “If you don’t get up I’ll take your pants off.” Half-Awake Me: […]


Steven’s heading out to San Fransisco for a conference this week. In fact, he’s on a plane way above the earth as I type. I don’t like planes — I think I’ve mentioned this before. I keep reloading the flight status on, watching his little plane icon move westward. Right now he’s in between […]

mark of a man

This weekend Steven and I have finally begun to tackle the landscaping in our front yard after one too many comments of, “Oooh, you’re a landscape designer? I bet your yard must be AWESOME!” Yes, the crabgrass is very healthy. Yesterday afternoon we began OPERATION: WEED NUKE. It was a lazy, rainy sort of day […]


Last night I finished reading a book I had just started 48 hours before — it had me enthralled from the first page. Books usually don’t make me cry but this one did, so I’m sitting in the living room, looking at the last page of the book and just blubbering. Steven walks in to […]

laundry for engineers

Steven and I have some odd arrangements when it comes to household chores, but none that amuse me as much as our laundry arrangements. When we first got married — and started living in the same abode — I took it upon myself launder both of our clothes heaps. That didn’t last long. Once Steven […]

two weeks

Two weeks from today, my husband will graduate from college. I’m not sure if the true meaning of this has hit me yet. We’ve been married for a little over seven months and yet we’ve never really had the experience of living together; Auburn is three long hours away from my job in Fort Payne. […]

1,827 days

Five years ago, I was dreading a chemistry final. Only a few days left of my freshmen year of college, and I was looking forward to the chemistry-free summer. I wouldn’t have thought it that morning, but by the evening I would be someone’s girlfriend again. Oh, to go visit that Carrie of five years […]